Encounter with death

Encounter with death.
For some months I was getting short of breath till it got to the place where I was gasping for breath.
There was o pain, just no energy especially when walking up hill or biking or mowing the lawn.
A visit to the Dr on Wednesday the 12th September revealed I had fluid around my right lung.
I visited the local hospital and then drove to Rotorua Hospital 80km away and was admitted where a tube was inserted into the lung cavity and over the next few days out poured 4 litres of fluid that caused the lung to collapse.

After one week in the Rotorua hospital I was taken for a ride in an ambulance for 1 1/2 hours to Hamilton hospital where they put 3 tubes in me using key hole surgery and some sort of powder glue to stick the lung back in place, which took a week and then they sent me home none the wiser as to why this happened.

I have been on no medication, just rest, lots of it.
Spiritually I know what it was all about; the enemy of my soul wanted me silenced by suffocating the breath of life in me that has set so many free.

Back in September last year I went to get a yellow fever injection so that I could enter Uganda.
The Dr said at my age of 74 it could kill me.
I knew it would not and went on my way.
From that day till Sunday the 7th October 2012 I felt something had entered my body and I was not operating as well as I did and thought age was catching me up.

While in hospital the week of the 19th of September during one night the thought came “are you prepared to accept death”?
My response was “Yes”.
I believed I would go through death and live.

On the 7th October when I woke I felt lifeless. Desperate measures were needed. I call spiritual for spiritual men and women to come and anoint me with oil. Nine came and did so according to James 5.
In the late afternoon a fellow believer who has been praying for me phoned to say that he had a bad witness about what I had done regarding death.
He phoned another believer who said he had run into that same spirit and it was not of God.
While on the Phone I repented of making a covenant with the spirit of death. The person I was speaking with bound the spirit’s power and it left.
I felt life walk back into my body.

The Word says choose life.
De 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Another encouraging verse.
Isa 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

16th October 1012.
After spending half an hour with the Dr, the outcome was totally inconclusive.
I shared with the Dr a little of where I am at and he replied, “keep praying and doing what you are doing”. The Dr said he would make further inquiries.
The pain I had that day was to do with the bottom rib on the right side.
It was though it was bruised. The Drs understanding was that when the tube went from my back to the lung cavity it tore the back of the rib.
This discomfort is getting better day by day.

The blood tests have revealing that the kidneys, liver and all other organs are normal. White blood cells a little high but nothing to be concerned about.
The x-rays were inconclusive.

When I asked Jesus if there was any cancer in my body I heard a clear “no my son”. The “my son” is always a clear sign it is Father answering, not me thinking my own thoughts.
The latest outcome is it has been arranged that I have another cat scan on the 7th January to make sure all is OK which we know it will be.

All in all it has been an interesting adventure.

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