Nine downward steps of Rejection:
1. Broken communion (withdrawal) Heb 12:15
2. Ungrateful (only sees negatives) 2 Tim 3:2
3. Stubbornness (rejects authority) Gen 3:6
4. Open rebellion (takes own authority) Is 14:12
5. Become rejected. Gen 3:24
6. Compatibility of rebellion. Num 16
7. Become immoral (defend wrong) Gal 5:19
8. Guilt (condemns others to cover up) Rom 2:1
9. Suicidal tendencies (mood extremes) Job 10:1
CORE of REJECTION = Unresolved grief, guilt, and loneliness.
Every person who submits and does not get love back receives a wounded spirit.
Ruled by fear.
Fear of being naked.
Fear of addiction.
Fear of control.
Emotions dictate.
Cannot accept logic.
The Keys to Deliverance:
1. Find the root of rejection.
2. Find where the judgement resulting in unforgiveness was taken in.
3. Repent. That takes care of Father God.
4. Forgive. That takes care of fellow man.
5. Renounce. That takes care of Satan.
6. Receive Jesus into the place that was freed.
7. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint your life afresh .
When asking a person to forgive you – you need to hear the words “you are forgiven.” Matt 6:14-15.