My Calling
The following are examples of clear direction that has come to me directly by the voice of Jesus, John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” or as a prophecy spoken through believers who were used by the Holy Spirit to speak clear direction for my life.
All I have done is receive the words and walk in them.
In 1953 I made a profession of accepting Jesus as my saviour and learned to read by reading a Bible. The first time I read the words of Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. I had an impression that one day that would happen.
That day came in 1965 when we left the job as a carpenter to manage a youth camp and teach children the Bible.
From that day till this all our needs have been supplied including countless thousands of dollars spent in travel around the world
having visited 34 nations including 25 times to the UK.
In Easter 1976. these words came straight to my mind when I told The Lord I was wretched, blind naked and knew it.
John 15:3. You are clean through the Word.
“The message of forgiveness would go around the world”.
These words came out of my mouth as I was speaking in a church service on forgiveness. It was not till some time later I came to understand I would take the message of forgiveness around the world. This has proven to be true.
1 Peter 3:7, “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered”.
This verse was given to me by a fellow, believer.
I came to understand that unless I live with my wife with understanding as to where she is spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically at all times and protect her He [Father God] would not answer my prayers.
Acts 22:10 “And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said unto me Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do”.
This verse was given to me by a visitor from USA which challenged me with this question
Was I willing to do the will of God with only one question before I did or said anything from that moment on? I said “yes”.
In December 76 in a room full of 100 men the speaker said he would ask Father God for a word for each one, he came to me and said.
“You are going into counselling up to 18 hours a day and you need strength”.
I can testify that this has proven true from that day till this.
In 1976 I was lead to read Jeremiah 1:8 and Ezekiel 3:5-6.
These verses led me to understand that I would have the ministry of a prophet among nations that would know my language.
This has proven to be correct.
In 1984 I was having breakfast with a man who told me I had the anointing of a prophet. He also told me things about how I would respond to life which has proven totally true.
In the last few years have been told many times I am a Father to bring encouragement to other believers.
1 Corinthians 14:15 it says “There are not many fathers”.
In 1977 I as directed to read Psalm 91. The promises of that Psalm have served an anchor within me.
In 1978 I was in a class of children teaching them what we called Bible in Schools.
I knew these children had learned about the living Lord Jesus and would pray knowing they would get answers.
I mentioned I was in need of 10 thousand dollars and I told them I should be working 6 days a week to pay the debt and asked them to pray for me.
One boy stood and said, “God get Uncle Roy some money”
A girl in the front row said, “Are you not suppose to be live by faith?”
I was completely told off by Father God through her.
The following Monday Father God sorted out our finances and we have never been in debt again. All we have needed has been supplied.
There are many other words I have received as I have been out walking and thoughts have popped into my mind that I was not thinking about like “I have added 10 years to your life”. That was 5 years ago.
Another time I was thinking about buying a car and I heard the words, “Why are you limiting me and looking at your own resources?”
I replied “Lord are you telling me to buy a new car” I heard “Yes”
That day I ordered a new Honda Jazz. When it came paid cash. It is now 6 years old done 43,thousand KM and will see us out.
My prayer is that all who read this will get some understanding in how to be guided by the Holy Spirit, either by hearing Jesus, voice which comes as a thought in the mind or a verse of scripture that stands out, or through another human who shares a thought they received as they have been in prayer for me and my situation at that time.
By being obedient to those directions I have enjoy life that can be experience by all who follow the same example.
In times when there has been no clear direction I have sought to walk in the light of the last message received.